Legal Information - Terms of Service - Acceptable Use Policy - Domain Name - Data Protection Act : xilo

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Information you are required to submit

As part of the registration process, you are required to submit to xilo and keep updated the following information in connection with your application for domain name registration:
  (a) the domain name to be registered;
  (b) the domain name holder’s name and mailing address.

You shall provide and maintain updated information at all times with xilo.

xilo may from time to time request additional information from you. While not obligated to provide the additional information, you should provide the additional requested information to ensure that you will obtain all the products and services which xilo makes available to domain name registrants.

Additional information maintained about your registration

In addition to the information you provide, we maintain additional information relating to your domain name registration, including:
  (a) the original creation date of the registration;
  (b) the date and time the registration application was submitted to us and the appropriate registry;
  (c) communications constituting registration orders, modifications, or terminations and related correspondence;
  (d) records of account for your domain name registration, including dates and amounts of all payments and refunds;
  (e) the IP names and address of the primary name servers and any secondary name servers;
  (f) the name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, and fax number of the domain registrant for the domain name;
  (g) the expiration date of the registration.

Data Obligations

If in registering a domain name you provide information about a third party, you hereby represent that you have provided notice to and have obtained the express consent from the third party to the disclosure and use of the third party’s information as set forth in this agreement.

Use of Registration Information

You agree to authorise xilo to provide any information to the registry administrators and to other third parties as applicable laws may require or permit.

You acknowledge and agree xilo may make publicly available, some or all of the domain registration information provided by you, for purposes of inspection such as through a WHOIS service or for any purpose as required or permitted by applicable laws.

In addition, you acknowledge that the registry may establish guidelines, limits and requirements that relate to the amount and type of information that xilo may or must make available to the public or to private entities, and the manner in which such information is made available.

You hereby consent to any and all such disclosures and use of, and guidelines, limits and restrictions on disclosure or use of information and updated from time to time provide in connection with registration of a domain name, whether during or after term of the registration of the domain name. You hereby irrevocably waive any and claims and causes of action you may have arising from such disclosure or use of the domain name registration information.

You may access your domain name registration information in xilo’s possession to review, modify or update such information, by visiting My xilo.

We will not process any data about any identification natural person that we obtain from you in a way incompatible with the purpose and limitations described in this agreement. We will take reasonable precautions to protect the information we obtain from you from our loss, misuse, unauthorised access or disclosure, alteration or destruction of that information.

Registrant Information

You must not knowingly provide false or incomplete registrant data. If you find out that a registrant has provided false or incomplete data you should attempt to correct the data.

Consumers are currently allowed to opt-out of providing their postal address on the WHOIS. You should take reasonable steps to ensure the opt-out is used correctly and not set this field to default to opt-out unless you can show that all your registrants are consumers.

If you receive a request to register a domain name for a customer you must register the domain name in your customer’s name. You may only register the domain name in your or your organisation’s name with the explicit prior written consent of your customer.

You agree that if you register a domain on behalf of a third party, xilo can pass on the contact details of that third party to the registry if required to do so by the registry.

Domain Revocation

xilo reserves the right to suspend, cancel, transfer or modify your domain name registration in the event that:
  (a) you materially breach this agreement;
  (b) you use your registered domain name to send unsolicited commercial advertisements in contravention of applicable laws or customary acceptable usage policies of the internet;
  (c) you use your domain name in connection with unlawful activity;
  (d) grounds arise for such suspension, cancellation, transfer or other modification as provided in this agreement; or
  (e) you use your domain name in connection with material that is slanderous to xilo, xilo Ltd. or other associated companies.

You acknowledge and agree that:
  (a) providing inaccurate information;
  (b) failing to update information promptly; or
  (c) failing to respond to xilo’s inquiries concerning the accuracy of contact details within fifteen (15) calendar days of request;
  shall constitute a material breach of this agreement and will be sufficient basis for cancellation of your domain name registration.


You acknowledge that registration or reservation of your chosen domain name, does not confer immunity from objection to either the registration, reservation, or use of the domain name.


There maybe charges associated with transferring domains to us and you will be advised on-screen at the time of ordering. Outbound transfers maybe subject to a fee of £5 per domain.

Registry Agreements

gTLDS (.com .net etc) - ICANN Registrant Terms

.uk Domains - Nominet - Registrant Terms

.eu Domains - EURID - In the case of a ".eu" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:
1. Eligibility Criteria. .eu domain names are available for registration to companies and persons who fulfill the following criteria. As a condition of registration, you accordingly represent that you are:
  1. an undertaking having its registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European Community;
  2. an organisation established within the European Community without prejudice to the application of national law, or
  3. a natural person resident within the European Community.
2. Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry’s site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.
  3. Domain Name Disputes. You agree that, if the registration or reservation of your domain name is challenged by a third party, you will be subject to the provisions specified by the Registry or any court of law.